Unlock new Amazon Ad inventory with Product Targeting from Perpetua
1 min

Unlock new Amazon Ad inventory with Product Targeting from Perpetua

Kevin Michael, March 14, 2019

What is Product Targeting?

Amazon released a new feature called Product Attribute Targeting (PAT). Similar to Product Display Ads, PAT allows advertisers to target specific product ASINs and categories through manual campaigns.

Today, we launch support for this feature so all of our customers can access this additional ad inventory and gain an advantage against their competitors.

Beyond keywords: using Product Targeting to maximize profits and reach new audiences.

This powerful feature allows you to bid on ASINs and categories the same way you bid on keywords. When you launch a goal in Perpetua, our ad engine will automatically launch manual Product Targeting campaigns and will harvest ASIN and category targets which are predicted to generate additional sales.

This new capability will generate greater scale for your goals by bidding on the additional ad inventory exposed through the product targeting API.

Where does this ad inventory live?

Product Targeting ads can show up in all the same places that a Sponsored Product ad can. In Search Results or on Product Details, Add-To-Cart, Check Out or Thank You pages.

The additional inventory accessed via Product Targeting is located on product detail pages and previously could only be bid on via Amazon’s automated campaigns.

Access to this in your manual campaigns allows you to defend your brand or find new customers by dominating the “Sponsored products related to this item” section on the product details page (see image below).  

Product Targeting ad inventory on Amazon

How do I use Product Targeting in Perpetua?

Product Targeting is fully automated and executed by our ad engine on your behalf. This new feature will be rolled out to all new and existing customers over the next couple of weeks.

To learn more or speak with one of our account strategists, contact us at hello@perpetua.io.

To get started or learn more about how Perpetua can help you scale your Amazon Advertising business, contact us at hello@perpetua.io