How Withings drove 5x conversions with Perpetua’s Content Network
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4 min

How Withings drove 5x conversions with Perpetua’s Content Network

Kyra Petticrew, March 25, 2022

Withings, founded in 2008, invents, designs, and manufactures a range of clinically validated smart health devices and associated apps, including watches, smart scales, and more. Focused on helping users reach long term health goals, Withings provides an easy and accurate way to measure health metrics from the comfort of one’s home.

To drive new-to-brand customers and increase sales in a highly competitive market, Withings looked to build brand credibility and increase click-through rates on their top performing products. Leveraging Perpetua’s Content Network, Withings was able to access Amazon Editorials to organically rank on flagship category search terms and appear in articles within the first page of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Since launching on Content Network, Withings has:

  • been published in over 15 articles

  • featured in publications like Forbes, Everyday Health, Good Housekeeping, Mashable and more

  • driven 5x increase in conversions

  • seen a 1.5x increase in click-through rate

  • 62.5% increase in organic rank on a flagship category keyword

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With Withings focused on continually bringing new and innovative products to market, it was crucial for them to stand out from the competition and ensure that they are driving an increase in new-to-brand customers. This meant building awareness of their brand and products, as well as improving organic rank on highly competitive, flagship category keywords.

To do this, Withings needed to quickly establish credibility with new shoppers, and easily convert them to customers.

“It’s important for us to constantly be testing on Amazon,” says Guillaume Suchet, Key Account Manager Amazon at Withings. “Our category is extremely competitive, so appearing on the first page of results is a game changer when it comes to attracting new-to-brand customers.”
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To build credibility for their brand and capture new customers, Withings turned to Perpetua to leverage their Content Network and access Amazon Editorials. With Amazon Editorials, Withings was able to not only generate sales directly through links in the articles published, but also increase organic rank on the search terms the articles appear on.

“With such a heavily saturated category on Amazon, these articles make it easier for customers to search and find what they want to buy - breaking down ‘best price’, ‘best overall’, etc. And for many of the articles our products were published in, we’re featured in the top placements before key competitors. This means not only are the articles being delivered to relevant shoppers within our category, we’re also able to maximize new-to-brand sales.” - Guillaume Suchet

“We love that Perpetua helps us hone in on new features that align with our brand objectives. Whether it's driving conversions, or new-to-brand customers, Perpetua helps us test out of the box ideas to help us achieve our goals.”
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As a result of launching Amazon Editorials via Perpetua’s Content Network, Withings has been published in over 15 articles across publications like Forbes, Good Housekeeping, Everyday Health, Mashable and more. They have seen a 5x increase in conversions, a 59% increase in click-through rate, 3x impressions and 375.3% increase in attributed sales.

Additionally, Withings has driven a 62.5% increase in Organic Rank on a flagship category keyword for one of their top performing products, and seen Share of Voice increase 25.5%.

“Perpetua has been a great partner to us. We appreciate that we can learn together, and test new features quickly. We have the confidence that Perpetua always has our best interest in mind, and with their quick product development it has been great to see that there is no gap between what Amazon releases and the new features Perpetua offers, like the Content Network.” - Guillaume Suchet

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