Walmart SEO: How to Improve Keyword Ranking on Walmart
Meghna Bhalla, September 10, 2021
Walmart has become one of the fastest growing eCommerce platforms in North America. And for brands selling their products both in Walmart stores and on Walmart.com, they can often expect to see a drastic increase in both sales and customer reach. However, as competition on Walmart rises, brands must ensure that they are growing both organically and with paid advertising.
How Organic Rank works on Walmart
The need for growth in Organic Rank can be attributed to Walmart's requirement of a brand's product to appear organically within the top 128 search results on a given search term to be eligible for search in-grid placements. For example: If I were to search up the keyword "water bottle" and your product appeared in the 129th position, it would not be eligible for a paid placement, until you grew your organic rank to 128 or above.
This does NOT mean that you are not able to advertise at all. There are still strategic actions you can take to grow your organic rank and become eligible for in-grid placements.
How to improve Organic Rank on Walmart.com
#1: Descriptive Product Titles
Having a well researched and descriptive product title is definitely one of the most effective ways to grow both your Organic Rank as well as your relevance on Walmart.com. Your product's title will aid Walmart's algorithm to identify keywords that are most relevant to your product and match those to what users are searching. Majority of the time, if a user were to search a specific search term, the top placements are those that include that word in their descriptive product titles.
Additionally, your product title is essentially the headline for your product, so ensuring that customers are able to understand what they are buying at a quick glance is very important.
#2: Product Detail Pages
Great! Your product title has caught the attention of a potential customer ... now what? As customers are unable to see the tangible products, they want to ensure they are understanding exactly what they are buying. Having a detailed product detail page will be the differentiating factor between a won or lost sale.
There are three main areas in which you can give a detailed description of your product; the shelf description, the short description and the long description. Essentially, these all serve the same function, but it is important not to be too repetitive, misleading or include ambiguous statements in any of these descriptions.
Another important feature on your PDP is your product images. Remember, good images sell! In order to differentiate your product from competitors, ensure that you have product images in high definition, from multiple angles, and shown in different relevant environments. If the product requires some sort of set up process or use demo, but sure to add some video components as well to assist the customer in their buying decision.
#3: Shipping
Aside from informative titles and descriptions, customers also value fast and free shipping options. That being said, Walmart offers a TwoDay delivery option that guarantees free nationwide delivery in two days without a minimum basket amount or monthly fee. According to Walmart , sellers using Walmart's TwoDay delivery have seen a 40% increase in Gross Merchandise Value and a 75% increase in their impressions. Additionally, Walmart’s buy box algorithm favors 2-day delivery listings, giving you a much higher chance of winning the buy box and expanding your reach across potential customers.
In order to get started with TwoDay Delivery:
You must be a Walmart Marketplace seller for more than 90 days or have fulfilled more than 100 orders through Walmart.com and additionally,
Meet the following performance standards for the last 30 days (20 orders within the last 7 days):
On-time shipping >95%
On-time delivery >95%
Valid tracking rate >95%
Cancellations rate >1.5%
Use a third party fulfilment service whom have their own standards and requirements.
Note: It is important to do your research on fulfilment partners that are trusted and have previous Walmart fulfilment experience.
To conclude, as Walmart's marketplace grows quicker than ever before and competition is at an all time high, it is becoming increasingly important for your brand to rank high organically and continue to expand your exposure across Walmart.com. We are here to help with that! To learn more or to get started with Walmart Sponsored Products advertising, email us at hello@perpetua.io
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