How to Get Reimbursed for a Stolen Package Claim with Amazon
4 min

How to Get Reimbursed for a Stolen Package Claim with Amazon

GETIDA, February 9, 2022

What to Do If an Amazon Package is Reported Stolen

A  customer files an Amazon claim that a package was not received and stolen. As an FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) seller you have a responsibility to satisfy the customer, although it is Amazon’ responsibility to process the claim and issue a refund. However, as an FBA seller you are entitled to reimbursement from Amazon for something that is not your fault.

What do you do if a customer submits an Amazon claim for a stolen package and how do you ensure you are reimbursed for any Amazon refunds to that customer?

Let’s take a look at: 

  • The Amazon Stolen Package Claim

  • How to respond when a customer submits an Amazon claim of a stolen package

  • How to file for Amazon FBA reimbursement

  • How to ensure you receive all reimbursements due to refunds for Amazon claims of stolen packages

The Amazon Stolen Package Claim

How can a customer claim a package was stolen, when the delivery service indicates it was left on the doorstep or mailbox? One of the primary ways to detect someone absconding with a delivered package is doorbell camera footage. Unfortunately, package theft is becoming a more common occurrence; fortunately, technology can at least capture what happened and verify Amazon claims for package theft.

Customers typically file a complaint with their local police department, though that does nothing to trigger an Amazon claim for refund. Customers must first file an Amazon stolen package claim. Once the Amazon claim is processed and approved, an Amazon FBA seller can then file for FBA reimbursement to recover funds. 

How to Respond to an Amazon Claim for a Stolen Package

Amazon handles all stolen package claims related to FBA fulfillment. However, it is not unusual for customers to contact sellers directly to report stolen packages and request a refund. If this occurs:

  • Reply within 24 hours of email receipt

  • Verify the order number and that it corresponds to the correct information

  • Express your disappointment and sympathy about the stolen order

  • Explain that Amazon is responsible for investigating and approving a claim and how the customer can submit an Amazon claim for a stolen package

  • As with all customer communications, ensure your response is professional and polite and that you are as clear and helpful as possible

When to File for Amazon FBA Reimbursement

Once Amazon approves a refund, you can file for Amazon FBA Reimbursement no sooner than 45 days from the refund date, and no later than 18 months from the refund date.

To file for reimbursement: 

  1. Log into your Seller Central Account

  2. Click Reports

  3. Click Fulfillment

  4. On the left-hand side, click Inventory Adjustments

  5. Enter the required information in the window

  6. Create a case to file an Amazon Stolen Package Claim

How to Ensure You Receive Full Reimbursement of Amazon Claims

So this all sounds fairly straightforward. Whenever customers submit Amazon claims for stolen packages, Amazon investigates and issues refunds. Once refunds are issued, sellers file for Amazon FBA reimbursement.

Which is all fine and good if you have only a few SKUs. Not so simple if the Amazon FBA seller manages extensive inventory and multiple SKUs.

Given its immense global presence, Amazon processes an inordinate number of claims daily, weekly, yearly. It’s not surprising, then, that at times some FBA reimbursements aren’t properly  issued, for whatever reasons. It’s also not surprising that an Amazon FBA seller managing extensive inventory and satisfying significant order quantities can easily lose track of owed reimbursements that go unissued.

Unrecovered Amazon FBA fee reimbursement can average as much as 3% of your annual revenue. For large businesses, even 1% of unfilled reimbursements significantly affect profitability. 

How do you ensure you receive the Amazon FBA reimbursement you are owed?

You could hire someone for your staff to perform this task. Other options include a virtual assistant or even a third-party reimbursement provider.

Of course, this adds expense and overhead to your operations. It’s certainly a justifiable expense because tracking FBA reimbursements is essential to business profitability. Missing funds can add up to large amounts of cash. Sellers that are unaware of what money is missing can’t manage cash flow as best as possible.

That said, finding the right person or provider to manage Amazon stolen package refund claims is itself time consuming and distracting from running the nuts and bolts of your business operations. It’s crucial that you find someone or some provider that is fully conversant with Amazon and the Amazon claims process, not to mention how to submit and track Amazon FBA free reimbursement.

Comprehensive full-service software combined with a dedicated case manager to oversee the Amazon FBA reimbursement can help ensure you get the reimbursements you are owed.

GETIDA auditing software keeps track of your Amazon FBA inventory transactions, refunds, seller data analytics, and FBA reimbursements easily and clearly. In addition, dedicated case managers follow up on FBA reimbursement claims on your behalf. An easy-to-read dashboard displays robust analytics to help you fully understand what we are doing on a daily basis.

GETIDA makes the process of claiming Amazon fee reimbursement easy so Amazon FBA sellers can concentrate on the fundamentals of their business. It’s free to sign up with GETIDA: there is no commitment and no monthly fee. GETIDA charges a service only when a claim we file is successfully reimbursed. You can also take advantage of free consulting on how to improve your Amazon business.

To get started or learn more about how Perpetua can help you scale your Amazon Advertising business, contact us at