Amazon broad match include variations & synonyms
Amazon's Sponsored Products Update
2 min

Amazon broad match include variations & synonyms

Maira Saleem, July 7, 2023

Broad match keywords have been a key targeting strategy for Amazon advertisers looking to expand keyword coverage and increase the reach of their Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands ads. Amazon’s broad match feature goes one step further including variations and synonyms related to the keyword. This offers advertisers increased potential for visibility and conversions, for example, appearing on related terms like "sneakers" or "footwear" when targeting the keyword "shoes". Previously, Amazon’s broad match type only considered the exact keyword terms or their close variants, including plural forms, acronyms, stemming, abbreviations, and accents.


It's worth noting that this update was initially introduced for Sponsored Brands in 2019, allowing advertisers to leverage the expanded targeting capabilities of broad match within banner-like ads displayed at the top of search results.

Benefits of broad match keywords

Using the broad match type gives you the widest coverage of search terms for your keyword and therefore the highest potential for traffic exposure, making them ideal for driving awareness. Leveraging broad match keywords allows your ad to appear when shoppers use a search term that contains all components of your keyword, in any order, maximizing visibility and reach. These keywords are particularly advantageous for generic terms, though it's essential to consider bidding higher to make the most of their potential.

Secondly, utilizing broad match is an excellent strategy for conducting keyword research and uncovering valuable long-tail keywords and search term variations that shoppers use to find your product. This feature enables advertisers to access previously untapped markets and discover new opportunities for reaching their target audience effectively. By exploring these variations, advertisers can refine their targeting and optimize their campaigns to enhance overall performance and maximize return on investment.

Best practices for utilizing broad match

Broad match keywords can help you quickly gain exposure on a variety of related search terms, however it’s important to monitor and weed out irrelevant search terms to avoid wasted ad spend. By targeting long-tail keywords and leveraging features like Negative Match, you can optimize and refine your targeting strategy to ensure your ads appear to the most relevant audiences.

Targeting long-tail keywords can help you strategically choose which search terms you want to advertise on. Since long-tail keywords typically include  three or more words, they help  advertisers refine targeting, increase ad relevance and reduce wasted ad spend. For instance, while "running shoes” is a general search term, brands could include consumer demographics and  sizing to target ‘womens running shoes size 7’ . Since there is less competition and lower costs associated with long-tail keywords, ranking well in search results becomes more achievable and more cost effective. Long-tail keywords also allow you to target consumers who are closer to making a purchase decision, which can improve conversion rates and reduce advertising cost of sale (ACOS).

In addition, the Negative Match feature plays a crucial role in excluding irrelevant search terms that may not align with your product offering. By analyzing your search term reports regularly, you can identify keywords that are consuming budget without generating conversions. For instance, if you don't offer waterproof women's running shoes, you can add "waterproof" as a negative keyword. It ensures that your ads won't appear for search terms like "women's running shoes waterproof" and prevents wasted ad spend on irrelevant clicks.

By targeting long-tail keywords and combining it with the power of Negative Match, you can have more control over your keyword targeting, refine your ad visibility to the most relevant searches, and maximize the efficiency of your advertising budget.

In summary, leveraging variations and synonyms in broad match expands targeting capabilities, providing a broader reach and increased ad visibility and click-through-rate. To make the most of this update, advertisers should target long-tail keywords to refine targeting and leverage the Negative Match feature to exclude irrelevant search terms. By implementing these best practices, you can optimize your campaigns, reach a more specific audience, and maximize the efficiency of your advertising budget.

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