Partnership guidelines
Perpetua logo & brand usage
The word mark is our most recognizable asset. Use the vertical (stacked) logo for portrait or square compositions or use the horizontal logo for landscape compositions.
#6366F1RGB (99, 102, 241)CMYK (56%, 55%, 0%, 5%)PMS (2726 U • 2726 C)
HEX: 374151RGB: 55, 65, 81CMYK: 32, 20, 0, 68
HEX: fffffffRGB: 255, 255, 255CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
The word mark is our most globally recognizable asset. Use the vertical (stacked) logo for portrait or square compositions; use the horizontal logo for landscape compositions.
Clear space
Display your logo next to ours by placing them side by side. Your logo appears first in lockups and takes the visual lead while the Perpetua brand supports. Use a line to separate the logos with spacing from the line equal to the width of the Perpetua Emblem
Logo lockups
Display your logo next to ours by placing them side by side. Your logo appears first in lockups and takes the visual lead while the Perpetua brand supports. Use a line to separate the logos with spacing from the line equal to the width of the Perpetua Emblem
Logo don’ts
Our logo should never be distorted, effected or colored in any way than originally intended.
Brand FAQ
Can we use any of your other assets?
If you need to use other assets or require more information about using the Perpetua brand, please get in contact with our marketing team to further discuss the partnership .
How do I contact Perpetua for partnerships?
We’re always happy to learn about potential partnerships. Please contact to discuss details and opportunities.