Amazon DSP Self-Service

Amazon DSP Optimization Software

Quickly build orders, generate line items, and scale ROAS with 20% more efficiency than Amazon’s native console with Perpetua’s Amazon Demand Side Platform ad engine. This is a first of its kind product generating real impact for advertisers.

Amazon DSP Self-Service

Powered by Amazon Marketing Cloud

Custom audiences
for every stage of the funnel

Target shoppers with advanced precision at every stage of the funnel. Perpetua Audiences lets you build highly targeted, customized audiences with embedded industry best practices.
Learn more about Perpetua Audiences

Create orders with total control

Easy to build, faster to scale

Build audiences, generate creatives, and add them to line items in seconds. We take the hard work out of building DSP campaigns so you can scale faster.






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Optimize towards KPIs that matter

Along with your traditional metrics (VCR, CPC, CPDPV, ROAS, etc) Perpetua’s ad engine has exclusive performance metrics including New-to-Brand ROAS and New-to-Brand cost per purchase, so you can optimize to whatever KPI will move the needle for your business.

Always on budget optimization

Perpetua’s ad engine automatically shifts budgets between line items, to optimize for performance and pacing using the most recent performance data. This feature outperforms Amazon’s native optimization by over 20%.

Maximizing Amazon DSP Efficiency by Solving Constrained Budget Allocation Problem

Read the blog
Maximizing Amazon DSP Efficiency by Solving Constrained Budget Allocation Problem

Streamlined budget and performance tracking

Stay on budget with cross-order pacing

Keep budget spending under control without risking KPI performance. Cross-order budget pacing gives you full visibility of how you're tracking towards your monthly target and what you need to do to stay on track.

Track Sponsored Ads and DSP performance in one place

Monitoring performance across all ad types has never been easier. Perpetua’s dashboards integrate Amazon DSP and Sponsored Ads data, giving you full visibility of performance for every ASIN.

Ready to expand the reach of your brand?

Book a demo to learn more about using Perpetua’s DSP software to reach new and existing customers on and off the Amazon platform.